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» Home schooling - Private Schooling - Public Schooling
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    INote - What is it?


    Rewards : INote - What is it? SW1 - Slogan Entree
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    Post by Drunkinq Sat May 02, 2009 9:43 am

    INote is a new easyier way of notifying your friends who also use Habvibe, you can tell them about things you have done, show them pictures you have photoshopped by inserting pictures and tell them if you wanna meet up in real life (Not Full address, No arranging with strangers). If you want to meet up at habbo just arrange a room.

    It's like facebook.. or Myspace etc. But without the pictures of yourself it's you habbo's Picture!! It's going to be a great edition to the forum and we can make a post about funny pictures and jokes, but no rude ones, Like Remel says we like our forums Squeky clean.

    If you would like to know more about Habvibe INote please just Pm me and I'll give you a simple run through again. So if you bored and you got nothing to do upload some funny pictures and let us laugh, let us laugh, let us laugh.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:37 pm