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    How To Avoid Scamming


    Warning Level : How To Avoid Scamming 116rmz6
    HabPoints : 2147483647
    Reputation : 2
    Age : 32

    How To Avoid Scamming Empty How To Avoid Scamming

    Post by Mellow Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:35 pm

    HabVibe’s Guide To Avoid Getting Scammed

    1. Only play in rooms that have the room owner displayed.

    2. Search the host’s name before playing, if scam rooms have been created for example saying ‘HABBOHOST123 SKAMMS’ then simply leave the room.

    3. Never P2S (Pay to stay), P2P (Pay to play), Rev (When you lose you can choose who you want to get kicked. You must pay for this option), Auto (Automatic Win)

    4. If you do P2S, P2P, Rev or Auto then the host might scam you. There is also a risk of TagTeam Scamming.

    5. If they do scam you then open your Hotel Navigator your search on their name, just get a pad of paper or open up word on your computer and write their Habbo name down exactly then create a new room calling it.

    (THE SCAMMERS NAME) SKAMMS’ make sure you don’t type scam as Habbo filters it, it would appear like this. ‘(THE SCAMMERS NAME) Bobba

    Types of Scams

    Tag Team Scamming

    TagTeam Scamming is where the host and a member of your playing team are working together, when a member of the team Auto’s or Rev’s the scammers apprentice trades the host saying ‘I’m P2Ping back’ or ‘I Rev Back’ or ‘I Auto’ however the apprentice does not place anything into the tradebox. So it appears that the apprentice has traded the host however they haven’t. Then the host says ‘=0 A gold pillow ty!’ or ‘OMG A Throne Sofa TYSM’. Then the apprentice will keep playing until they win. So the host has all the other players P2P gifts and the players walk away thinking oh-well, at least they didn’t scam however the host has.

    Simple Scamming

    When you win the host kick and ban you.

    IM Scam

    Say you’ve just got a throne, and you get an Instant Message from someone saying Selling Rare Rock Poster Only 1 Throne! And you think lol I’m spending my throne oh HCs, but then another user says Buying Rare Rock Poster, My offer 1Throne 3HC. So you think YAY I’m so buying this poster, then selling it again! So you get profit right? Wrong. When you buy the poster the two users suddenly delete you. So your left with some crappy poster worth 2 Creds and they have your throne! Then two users are the same.

    Habbo Retro’s

    Right I will tell you straight there is NO way you can get free Habbo credits, no matter how much rubbish you download, Yes there are Habbo Retro’s, of which for Security reasons I will not name. But usally they have like 10 Users online and only one is at the computer actually playing. Habbo Is The Real Deal. Some website will have the exact same logon screen as Habbo but they are not Habbo and no they will NOT give you 1000 creds! All that happens is you type your password in and it redirects you to the Habbo homepage, and they have your Habbo password and they will hack you! Only type your Habbo username and password on http://www.habbo.co.uk nothing else. Yes there are scripting programs for Habbo but I strongly recommend you do not use them because your Habbo will get permanently banned if they find out your using scripting software. It is very easy to spot if your using scripting software. There will be other website which say phone 0906 900 9100, yes this is the Habbo credits line, however do not type the code that the retro has provided, because it will give another Habbo the credits you buy, not you. If your buying credits they go on the credits section on Habbo Homepage and click House-Phone and only type the number which is provided there. This is for your Habbo and you will receive the credits.

    Duplication Trade

    Some scammers will claim that they can duplicate your furni. All you have to do is trade them the furni you want duplicating. This is all fake they will keep your furni.
    Gold VIP
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    Rewards : No Rewards
    Warning Level : How To Avoid Scamming 116rmz6
    HabPoints : 279
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    How To Avoid Scamming Empty Re: How To Avoid Scamming

    Post by Cruqz Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:53 pm

    Yes, well said. It can get very tedious if people are ALWAYS talking about free credits.
    I think there will always be people who are unaware of these obvious facts though, and therefore always be the people who take advantage of that fact. I think the Habbo X's should return! Very Happy

    Warning Level : How To Avoid Scamming 116rmz6
    HabPoints : 2147483647
    Reputation : 2
    Age : 32

    How To Avoid Scamming Empty Re: How To Avoid Scamming

    Post by Mellow Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:22 pm

    Cruqz wrote:I think the Habbo X's should return! Very Happy

    Same rabbit

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