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    "Free" Credits and gifts?


    Rewards : "Free" Credits and gifts? SW1 - Slogan Entree
    Warning Level : "Free" Credits and gifts? 116rmz6
    HabPoints : 1330000263
    Reputation : 0

    "Free" Credits and gifts? Empty "Free" Credits and gifts?

    Post by Drunkinq Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:07 pm

    People Tend to ask Are there any sites giving free credits and gifts,Think of it this way would you give your stuff to randomers who wish to be rich? No? Well Here it is in a nutshell.

    No! Only Habbo give you free Things for Advertisment So trust me Dont and by the way any phone lines you have to call are ALWAYS scams they cost £3 (Not worth it)

    Here Are the many ways of being scammed:

    Never give out any personal details whilst on Habbo UK eg. Your D.O.B or password. There is no such thing as free Habbo credits or furniture unless its a Competition hosted by Habbo or a unofficial/official Habbo UK Fansite or by a Habbo trading with you on the hotel its self.

    Avoid staying away from sites which state the following:

    (Never do what this says it is a BIG scam)

    Step by step guide to getting free credits

    - Call 0906 900 9100

    - You can call twice for 100 credits with the same habbo but after that it costs £1 extra.

    - Listen to Bob and friends talk to you about scamming until he asks you for the code.

    - Type in 17902917

    - Listen to Habbo rules, until the "Kerching" sound is played, after that wait for a "Beep" and than State your Habbos name.

    -Then it will say your Habbo's name

    This statement above is a big scam and the people doing this are trying to earn free credits for themselves. If you want to buy credits off Habbo UK follow this link here: http://www.habbo.co.uk/credits

    (Percentage of a scam)

    Give me your password and I'll get you free furni - 100%
    Send me your URL through AIM/MSN - 100%
    I'll trade you a golden record (looks normal) 100%
    Give me your password or anything or I'll hack you! 100%
    I can duplicate furni hand it to me. 100%
    I am a moderator/manager, give me your pass/furni. 100%
    Give me your Habbo name and password and i'll put credits and on it! 100%
    I'm giving away my account give me furni for it. - 100%
    Competitions From Habvibe: 0%

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:56 pm