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Callie, True or Not EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 3:06 am by Mellow

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2 posters

    Callie, True or Not


    Rewards : Callie, True or Not SW1 - Slogan Entree
    Warning Level : Callie, True or Not 116rmz6
    HabPoints : 1330000263
    Reputation : 0

    Callie, True or Not Empty Callie, True or Not

    Post by Drunkinq Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:09 pm

    I once met Callie in 2007 in Lost_Witnesses Room at an event. When I asked her she seemed to Reject and Walk to the other side of the room. Thats a bad start which might meen it is true so she dosen't want to talk about it, But the thing that turns everyones head to No, How Did she get Lost_Witness's Pass? He Must of given it to her or Left it on the PC I mean if you saw someones acc on your Computer hadn't been closed down and they had lots of Thrones, Would you Keep it Or Leave it? So if anyone has Spoke to callie talk to me (Drunkinq) or any other MODarator, SuperMODarator, or Adminastrator And help us dig the dirt!

    Warning Level : Callie, True or Not 116rmz6
    HabPoints : 2147483647
    Reputation : 2
    Age : 32

    Callie, True or Not Empty Re: Callie, True or Not

    Post by Mellow Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:31 pm

    Well Harry, to answer your question on how Habbo staff can get your password, they have a web based software called 'George' where thy can do anything, give you creds, remove creds, give you furni, create furni, ban users, unban users, see their password and much much more!

    So thats one part solved....

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