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    Apply for a job as a Content Filler


    Warning Level : Apply for a job as a Content Filler 116rmz6
    HabPoints : 2147483647
    Reputation : 2
    Age : 32

    Apply for a job as a Content Filler Empty Apply for a job as a Content Filler

    Post by Mellow Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:08 pm

    This job application is for a resident content filler.

    Please answer the questions below 100% truthfully!

    1. What is your Habbo name?
    2. What is your real name?
    3. How old are you?
    4. How long have you been on Habbo for?
    5. How would you make the forum more exciting?
    6. Do you know BB code?
    7. Do you know HTML?
    8. How much time a week are you able to commit to HabVibe?
    9. Are you able to cope with fast changing adjustments?
    10. Are you trustworthy with rights?

    Good Luck
    Remel – Site Owner

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:38 pm