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    Drunkinq's Pet Monster! Escaped!?!


    Rewards : Drunkinq's Pet Monster! Escaped!?! SW1 - Slogan Entree
    Warning Level : Drunkinq's Pet Monster! Escaped!?! 116rmz6
    HabPoints : 1330000263
    Reputation : 0

    Drunkinq's Pet Monster! Escaped!?! Empty Drunkinq's Pet Monster! Escaped!?!

    Post by Drunkinq Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:40 pm

    I know, I know I'm not competition staff but this is urgent. My super big evil red eyed, green scaley skinned Fish, pet has escaped from under his bed! You may think he can't be know harm, but he eats pocket money for breakfast! So we need you to deisgn a room that will attract him so try include his favourite ball, a fish and a pet friend. You must include the the items I mentioned somewhere in the room that is noticable, to enter simply send me your habbo name and the name of your room on the Personal message, just to tell you, you can give the award to someone who helped or donated with anything you used.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:44 pm