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    The Guide to... Habbo


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    The Guide to... Habbo Empty The Guide to... Habbo

    Post by Drunkinq Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:18 am

    Welcome new people to habbo hotel.
    This is a place to make new friends and to have fun.

    Right to make your own room all you have to do is Click Gues rooms then
    Click on Own rooms then you will see tht there is NO rooms, Now next thing
    to do is Click create a room And then a box will appear on ur screen Click
    Start and then the next page will have Room name and decription ect, Now you
    fill in all the details and then Click Start Again then another page will
    appear you then choose what type of room you like then Click start Again
    Then you then choose if you want the room open, locked with a bell on or
    password locked. Then Click Finish Then another page will come and then you
    can then go to your room.

    To buy furni you will first need credits!
    To get credits go on to the habbo homepage click the tab with credits on it
    then there will be a page full of ways to get credits. For example mobile
    phone, Credit card and many more. Choose which way you would like to get
    your credits and then fill it in and get your credits. Warning Credits Are
    Not Free And If You Don't Pay For Them And Then You Will Be Banned.
    Now to get furni you will have to open your catalogue you will need to go
    into a room and click the picture of a notebook with a chair on it. And then
    ther will be lists of things you can buy. Click a catagory then choose wot
    piece of furni you would like to purchase then Click buy, A box will appear
    which says buy or buy for a friend which then wraps in a gift and sends to
    them. That then will go into you hand which you click on then your furni is

    When you get a voucher code you get one when you buy crediits on your mobile
    phone. Open your purse on habbo and there will be a button sayin vouchers
    Which you then click and a box will appear then you then write your code in
    and then if the code is right your credits will be in your purse.

    On habbo there is rules it isn't a free for all thing. Like for one you
    can't break them or you will be banned. Haboo Experts And Mods are in the
    hotel watching you and to make sure that you dont break these rules. People
    can call for help and report you if you are using foul language or breaking
    the habbo way. There is a section on the habbo homepage if there are any
    questions you need answering.

    Lost_Witness is the Manager of habbo and he arranges/makes events on habbo
    and updates everyone about whats happening in the hotel so everyone is up to

    The habbo catalogue has rares which are in there every so often but are not
    in there forever. They stay in for a certain amount of time and then they
    go. The catalogue rares cost 25 credits each.
    There are seasonal furni too.

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 01, 2024 12:08 am