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2 posters

    Habbo 2008 Scripting Problems,


    Warning Level : Habbo 2008 Scripting Problems, 116rmz6
    HabPoints : 120000077
    Reputation : 1

    Habbo 2008 Scripting Problems, Empty Habbo 2008 Scripting Problems,

    Post by Corin Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:35 pm

    2008 Habbo Scripting Troubles :

    As some, of you might of herd of herd about or expierenced, late last year, habbo encountered scripting problems, with either made, you kept dissconnecting in The 'Public Rooms' as i experience and many of you may off. That this also was happening in some major guest rooms for example Vintus 'Trade City' was one, But just to let you know, these scripters have be caught and punished for there actions and cloning how now been stopped by habbo, and therefore you cannot bring for example bring loads of your own habbos in a room as once.

    PLEASE, do not attempt to script in the hotel, as the punishments are very serouis, like these scripters, did as it was a teenager, who got his house raided. via his ip address, and got in very terrible chaos

    We Take these facts into consideration as they are 100% true


    Warning Level : Habbo 2008 Scripting Problems, 116rmz6
    HabPoints : 2147483647
    Reputation : 2
    Age : 32

    Habbo 2008 Scripting Problems, Empty Re: Habbo 2008 Scripting Problems,

    Post by Mellow Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:20 pm

    Yes, this is true, I managed to get a screenie of what some of the scriptures were using
    Habbo 2008 Scripting Problems, HabboMenuV6

    Habbo 2008 Scripting Problems, Untitled
    and some more recent scripting
    Habbo 2008 Scripting Problems, Habbochatlog75fa0cfapng

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:46 pm