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    Habbo Facts


    Warning Level : Habbo Facts 116rmz6
    HabPoints : 2147483647
    Reputation : 2
    Age : 32

    Habbo Facts Empty Habbo Facts

    Post by Mellow Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:36 pm

    There were 81 Habbo eXperts registered on Habbo UK, Even though you normally only seen 10-15 on the Hotel.

    131 Hobba's lost their job on Habbo UK , when the Hobba project was scrapped.

    There are 15730 Habbo thrones in the hotel!

    The most popular rare to be released was the Speaker Corner.

    The least popular rare to be released was the Gray Birdbath.

    Habbo UK used to have the URL .com, then Habbo US came along and they moved to .co.uk.
    There are 31 Habbo Hotels in the world.

    There is 108,000,000 registered users, since september 2008.

    There is 9,500,000 unique visitors a month.

    There is 990,000,000 page hits per month on the hotels.

    90% of Registered Habbos are aged between 13-18.

    The average Habbo visits the Hotel for a time of 36 minutes.

    Aapo2 is one of the oldest Habbos ever registered on any hotel. Other before that have been deleted for unknown reasons.

    The hotel was first called Hotel Kultakala which means "Habbo Goldfish" but was later changed to Habbo Hotel.

    The highest recorded peak on any hotel was Habbo netherlands which peaked 17,000 Online.

    Tuu is the longest ever hotel manager to stay at a hotel, Stayed at Habbo FI for 7 Years.

    This page is being updated!
    Hotel Managers

    Hotel Kultakala (Later Habbo FI) - Apparatus
    Habbo FI - Tuu (Present)
    Habbo UK - Ione, Jibbi, GlitterKat (Temporary), Callie, Lost_Witness (Present)
    Habbo US - Brojo, Blunique, Kedo (present)
    Habbo CA - Trouble, Daz (present)
    Habbo SG - Saffron, Lynx (present)
    Habbo AU - Bamaloo (present)

    Random Facts

    The first account is often thought to be Aapo, however Aapo2 was made a day before "Aapo" on Habbo FI, making it the oldest Habbo account in the world (there were older ones which have since been deleted).

    The hotel was first called hotel Kultakala (hotel Goldfish) and was part of a Finnish Internet Provider. It was later changed to Habbo Hotel to appeal to a wider range of people.

    On average, the busiest hotel is Habbo Netherlands, which peaked at over 17,000 Habbos in 2006

    The hotel with the most official fansites is Habbo UK. As far as we know, Habbo Brazil and Habbo Spain have no official fansites.

    In 2006, Habbo Sweden and Brazil both got a new orange layout, this was later replaced by the cur
    rent layout, which first came to Habbo UK in June 2006, before that Habbo had had 2 website designs, a black and grey used on the first few hotels and then a green and gold/yellow theme. The only hotels not to have had the first two layouts are Habbo China, Russia and Brazil/Portugal

    Tuu is the longest serving Hotel Manager, having been at Habbo FI since it opened (that's 7 years).

    Habbo UK has seen the most Hotel managers, having had four (5 including a temporary one). The first three were female.

    All of Habbo SG's staff are female and Habbo Finland has the most staff with over 20. Russia and Switzerland only have 2

    Habbo Spain has the most hotel managers, having three, Habbo Switzerland is not thought to have a hotel manager

    Retiisi of Habbo Finland came up with the name Habbo (he is a Sulake staff member)

    At one point, Habbo Finland was three versions ahead of Habbo Japan, FI was on v13 when Habbo JP was still on v9 (possibly v10 but it is unkown as v10 was never made public).
    However within days Habbo JP was given v11.

    Many Dutch staff were Habbo UK moderators and Hobbas before the Dutch hotel opened

    Two former Hobbas on Habbo UK still have their badges, FoohFooh and someone else (I forgot their name. Smile)

    When Hobbas were about, you only had to be 13 on Habbo USA and Habbo SG to become one, as opposed to 18 on other hotels - Habbo Russia, Brazil/Portugal and China never had Hobbas

    Habbo UK was the first hotel to get Safety X's - AU gained a "sub-team" of Safety Experts in May 2007. Habbo Japan has a separate badge to other hotels as their X's are called "Habbo Guides"

    Some Habbo UK eXperts have infobus powers allowing them to open/close the bus in Habbo Gardens

    Most hotels allow 2 badges per fansite, Habbo SG allows 5 badges, Habbo Sweden allows an unlimited amount of badges

    Habbo UK has the largest X team. By Summer 2007 it will contain around 90 Experts

    The first rares were Christmas rares which were released at Christmas 2001 on Habbo UK

    Habbo IT is considered the Hotel which shows most unreleased rares first (mainly in Joby and Lunadismeraldo's rooms).

    Habbo Sweden were the first hotel to release the throne into the catalogue, at just 25 credits

    1 Credit/Coin in any hotel is worth 10 in the chinese hotel - Habbo Club is 250 credits per month

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:54 pm